Louisiana Timeline 1600-1700

Historic Events

Pre 1600        1600-1700        1700-1750        1750-1800        1850-1900        1900-1925        1925-1950

Louisiana - 1600-1700

French explorer René-Robert Cavalier, Sieur de La Salle arrived at the Gulf of Mexico on April 9, 1682, having traveled down the Mississippi River, naming the territory Louisiana after King Louis XlV of France. A seasoned explorer, La Sallle set out again from France in 1678 and eventually meeting his death in Texas in 1687.

America - 1600-1700

The English settled in Jamestown, VA and the Dutch set up a trading post in what is now Lower Manhattan in 1613.

In 1619 the first African indentured servants arrived on a Dutch slave ship, heralding a way of life that would transcend a period of over two hundred years.

On November 9, 1620, the Pilgrim Father's ship the Mayflower, landed at Cape Cod with 101 colonists on board.

In 1632 Charles I granted Lord Baltimore territory north of the Potomac.

In 1664 The Dutch surrendered New York to the British, only to take it back nine years later. however, a year later, a treaty is signed, returning all former British colonies in America to British rule.

On March 4, 1681, the Quaker William Penn founded Pennsylvania under a royal charter granted by the English King, Charles II.

In 1692 Massachusetts is gripped by the Salem Witch Trials, which saw 24 dead before they were brought to a halt.

The Royal African Trade Company lost its monopoly of the slave trade in 1696, giving colonists the opportunity to capture and sell slaves themselves.

Throughout the 17th century, the ever increasing influx of colonists and need for more land created hostilities with the indigenous tribes. In many areas, this flared into bloody battles and all out wars with the loss of thousands of lives.

The World  - 1600-1700

In 1605 Don Quixote is published and Guy Fawkes and his co-conspirators were found guilty of treason after the failed attempt to blowup the Houses of Parliament in London, England.

The first telescope was invented in 1608 by Dutchman Hans Lippershey and two years later, Galileo discovers Jupiter's moons.

Quebec was founded by Samuel de Champlain n 1608.

In 1637 the first public opera house opened in Venice.

Between 1642 and 1651 England suffered the ravages of Civil War, between the Royalist (Cavaliers) supporters of Charles I, King of England, and the Parliamentary Army, often referred to as Roundheads, due the the type of helmet worn by the troops. Charles I was beheaded on January 30th, 1649 and England became a Commonwealth (1649–53) then a Protectorate (1653–59), governed by Oliver Cromwell.

The Taj Mahal was completed in 1643.

In 1665 the London plague killed seven thousand people in a week and possibly up to one hundred thousand throughout the year. This was followed a year later by the Great Fire of London.

In 1682 king Louis XlV moved his court to the palace of Versailles, just outside Paris. Between 1692 and 1694, France suffered a dreadful famine where around 2 million lives were lost.